Who Moved My Cheese? (Book)

 Who Moved My Cheese?

An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work and In Your Life

          I have read a couple self-help books and learned very little. I read a lot. I understood the importance. I knew the consequences of its application. However, I have applied very little. In one of my previous posts, I wrote the lessons from The Monk who Sold His Ferrari. I described my Journey to it and simultaneously realized the impact of its applications. But I never carried through. Most of the self-help, motivational books tell you what to do or what successful people have done. Who Moved My Cheese? is different. This book interprets for you. It makes you realize what you are thinking subconsciously.

When do I move on?
Should I move on?
Do I need to move on?
Was it there all along?
How did I not see that?
Am I holding on too tight?

          I am sure we have asked at least a couple of these questions at some point in our life. Maybe some of us are asking them right now. And guess what? Only you can answer that. Now, answering these questions is not easy. There is a ton of self-doubt, a kilogram of overthinking, a hectogram of societal pressure, a decagram of moral principles, and a few grams of what others will think. For some, few grams may be the understatement of the century. 

          This book by Spencer Johnson makes you answer these questions. The book uses an analogy to address various ups and downs of life. Further, it uses analogies to make downs, the ups of life. Anything that goes up, comes down. But how much it should come down is in your control. I had read this book before and I appreciated it. Recently, I reread this book. Each time you read this book, you get something different out of it. Why is that? Since this book uses analogies, you fit your situation in this analogy. Sometimes, you may not even realize that this situation is a problem. In a way, the mouse story acts as a template. You fit the issue in the template like the missing pieces in a puzzle and ta-da! You have got the big picture in front of you. Many a time, we miss out on this big picture because we are too wound up with individual pieces. Knowing how much time you give to a piece and how important the piece is in your picture is very crucial. This book helps you see that no matter what the situation. It's a template, a guide, an HTML code. Use it!

Rating: 5/5

Having Cheese makes you happy.

The more important your Cheese is to you,
the more you want to hold on to it.

If you do not change, 
you can become extinct.

What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Smell the Cheese often,
so you know when it is getting old.

Movement in a new direction 
helps you find new Cheese.

When you stop being afraid,
you feel good!

Imagining yourself enjoying 
your new Cheese leads you to it.

The quicker you let go of old Cheese,
the sooner you find new Cheese.

It is safer to search in the maze,
than remain in a Cheeseless situation.

Old beliefs do not lead to new Cheese.

When you see that you can enjoy new Cheese,
you change course.

Noticing small changes,
helps to adapt to bigger ones.




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