Parasite (Movie)


          A mind-blowing South Korean movie that has won numerous awards. Most importantly, it is the first non-white movie to win the award Palme d'Or which is the highest award at Cannes Film Festival. The list of awards and nominations for this movie is huge. Additionally, the movie is a little over 2 hours long. However, it is worth every minute.

          Parasite is an orchestra. There are many characters, the violin, the viola, the cello, the bass, etc. This orchestra played one of those pieces where bass begins the concert, few bars later, the cello joins, then the viola and finally the violin. The music gradually moves from piano to forte. Next, there is a chase, you know the song that is played in Tom and Jerry cartoon. The part where Jerry is being chased by Tom but as soon as the owner of the house arrives, both scatter. This is the exact vibe of the movie.

          Basically, this movie is about a family living in a house where they are not supposed to live. Kind of like Trump in the White House after the 2020 election. (Jimmy Kimmel refrence). The family consists of a father, a mother, a daughter and, a son. 

          The story begins when the son's friend comes to offer his job of a tutor at a rich family's house. (Now ideally, I would prefer to use the names of the characters to describe the plot. However, all Korean names sound the same to me and I can hardly remember their names at the moment.) The son fakes being a tutor at the rich family's place. He then recommends his sister for the job of the art teacher for the rich family's son. Eventually, all four end up working at the rich people's place by taking up the job of the driver and the housekeeper. It was epic planning.

          The story's theme begins to be prominent at this point, i.e., the lifestyle of the privileged rich people vs. the lifestyle of very poor people. The story also throws light on how money can spoil one's attitude. Thus, it is important to remember your roots when you are successful. It follows the pattern of from rags to riches, to rags, to finally hard-earned riches. (I guess it will make sense once you've watched the movie.) Additionally, fixing your wrongs to rights is the noblest thing that one can do. All this is beautifully portrayed in the climax. The movie is a masterpiece. Definitely worth the time.  

Recommended to me by Paridhi!

Rating: 5/5 




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