Extra: Being skinny

 Being Skinny

Oh my God! You are so skinny!
I know.

You are so thin.
I know.

Don't you eat anything?
Yes, I eat. No one likes to starve.

I can see your bones.
Yes, every human happens to have them.

You look malnourished.
Your opinion was all that I had yearned to know.

You will blow away in the wind.
Thank you for letting me know.

You will look good if you put on some weight.
Oh! Why didn't I think of that? 

Oh, there is more:

*Happy skinny people wearing a saree at a party.*
Other people: You look like a bamboo stick wearing a saree. *These people laughing at their own joke.*
Haha, you are so funny. 

*Skinny people casually walking.*
A random person walking alongside *holds the wrist*: Oh my God! I can completely hold your hand.
Really? I couldn't see!

Relative handing over a dress: I asked the shop keeper for the smallest size.


Relative handing over a dress: I got a medium for you. You may exchange it. *Hands over the bill.*

Someone: Here is one piece of some random dish for you *to skinny people*. Darling, some fat kid it looks like you can eat more. Don't shy away. Take more. *Completely ignoring the skinny people.* (No offense intended.)
And you ask me why I don't eat... 

*Skinny people working out in public.*
Almost every person: You don't need to work out.
Obviously, I don't get cramps or sores.


Meredith Grey
(Grey's Anatomy)

Monica Geller

          Skinny people also have a mirror in their house. They know how they look. They are aware of their weight. You don't have to constantly remind them. However, you don't have to glorify it either. Skinny, scrawny, lanky, and slim people have their own insecurities about the way they look. The consistent reminder doesn't help. 

          Being skinny doesn't mean being sick. They may not be the strongest person you know, but they are capable of managing themselves quite well. I assure you. Fat people are as prone to being sick as skinny people, so stop giving all the heat to skinny people. A skinny boy isn't any less manly, the way a skinny girl isn't any less womanly. The shape or the size of the body doesn't matter as long as one is fit and capable of managing their business.

          Lastly, do hear the song Scrawny by Wallows. Happy listening!


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