The Picture of Dorian Gray (Book)

The Picture of Dorian Gray 

Book Review: 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' | Aggie Central

           A beautiful book written by Oscar Wilde. Being a literary classic, it consists of an old version of English but an amusing read nonetheless. There are certain times when the reader may fail to connect or the story may seem to be dragging on but the wisdom imparted is unique. The book is filled with quotations that will make you ponder and question the philosophical ideas about a person's true nature. How is our action influenced by our thoughts? Who influences our thoughts? What is the corruption of the soul? When do we decide to change ourself? Do we realize when we change? And many more questions are explored in this calm and serene read...

          Dorian Gray, once an innocent young man, untouched by the cruelty of the world and living a peaceful life undergoes a grave personality change. Ideally, the protagonist develops overtime. The persona is beautified, the character attains maturity and the success is within the reach. However, this book is quite eccentric. By the time Dorian realizes to mend his ways, the damage is immense and cannot be reversed. 

          One of the most important person to impact Dorian's life was Lord Henry. However, Dorian believed it to be Basil Hallward. He was sure his life had taken this turn due to his portrait. The more you think about it, the more you realize that we often fail to see the person swaying us. Many a time we blame the wrong person due to our affinity to the actual cause of corruption. The only mistake Basil made was to love Dorian with all his soul and heart. It consumed him and eventually lead to his destruction. Never give yourself away to someone that you lose yourself. 

          The book is dark in many aspects and simultaneous intriguing. The eloquent and seemingly explicit language leaves the reader in awe.

Rating 3.5/5 (mostly due to drag on)

Few worth-the-time quotations of Lord Henry...


  1. The picture of Dorian Gray is
    A classic so it's not exactly up my alley but u make it sound intriguing. I'll definitely give it a try.


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