Brooklyn Nine Nine! (Series)
Brooklyn Nine Nine!
An American comedy show with multiple main characters mostly consisting of latin origin. A toit show that fearlessly promotes homosexuality, african american leadership and shows the reality of the lazy, fat ass and stupid Americans (Reminds me very much of Trump). An action packed hilarious show that you simply can't help plunging into (Title of your sex tape). Each and every character is amazing in its own way and adds to the beauty of the show.
Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago relationship summed up:
Gina linetti summed up:
Rosa Diaz (Rosa Rosa Rosa.....Doug Judy's love):
Second picture of Diaz is the most relatable for me....
Hitchcock and Scully- The kick ass, fat ass, all you can possibly eat duo. They are good at heart.
Terry loves yogurt. Handsome, muscular and soft hearted Terry is the guy you just fall in love with...
Chales Boyle (sweet, nice, sugar.... I really don't know what else to say...)
Captain Holt's reaction after seeing my post:
Meanwhile me:
Really a great show! Go watch it now!
Rating 5/5
Sounds interesting! Will definitely watch it once!!
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DeleteI've always loved Brooklyn nine - nine... but this is just all of its good stuff in one area... and it is also portrayed very nicely in the form of memes.
ReplyDeleteThank you 😊