Comedy: Michelle Wolf (Joke Show)

 Comedy Special

Michelle Wolf

          Michelle Wolf is an American comedian, writer, producer, and television host. Many people call Michelle Wolf vulgar but I would say judge yourself. Frankly, she became quite a sensation after the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner. (Correspondents' Dinner is a place where all the journalists meet and are roasted by a comedian. The dinner is hosted by the White House to celebrate one of the pillars of democracy, i.e., honest and independent journalism.) In the 2018 dinner, Michelle Wolf specifically roasted the republicans, Fox News, Trump, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders (the White House Press Secretary under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2019). Wolf gave quite a burn. The video is available on the C-SPAN channel on youtube. She has a stand-up special: Michelle Wolf: Joke Show. 

          Otters are rapists. It's true! Anything is porn if you masturbate to it. Tweets are manifestos and blogs are long conversations no one wants to have with you. (Here you are reading my blog...) When you put your foot in a small shoe, the tip of your toes hurt. However, have you ever thought about how the shoe feels? (You know what I mean.) Why is delivering a baby so hard for humans? I mean look at giraffes. They just drop their baby from a great height and the baby has to be fine with it. Then, there is a story of Michelle's abortion. Of course, she talks about peanuts too... Small peanuts, medium peanuts, big peanuts, large peanuts, skinny peanuts, fat peanuts, peanuts that look like a witch's fingers (mmm... she doesn't really refer to it as peanut... I did). What if men had periods? How would they behave? When the first period occurs, dads would be like- here you go son, this is your grandpa's tampon just flip it and use it. It has a marvel theme to it too. Gross! Next, Wolf reveals the secret of how white women can play victims. How did Michelle get the balls to talk about this stuff? She reveals her source of inspiration, her model example, her benchmark at the end of the show. It's fun but not so much a family watch.

  Rating: 5/5



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