Passengers (Movie)


We all have dreams.

We plan our futures,
like we're the captains
of our fates.

But we're passengers.

We go where our fate takes us.

          Passengers is captivating and enthralling from the beginning to the end. It has twists and turns that take the viewer on an emotional roller coaster ride. First and foremost, the graphics are amazing. They are breathtaking. Watching this move in 3D would've been perfect. Secondly, it has my favorite cast. Jennifer Lawrence as Aurora Lane, Chris Prattson as Jim Preston, and Laurence Fishburne as Gus.

The Plot Dissection

          A spaceship of 5,000 people is going to a new planet for colonization. All the people, i.e., the passengers, the crew, and the captain are kept in a hibernation pod. The journey from the earth to the new planet is about 120 years long. Hence, it is necessary to pause all metabolic processes and prevent aging. However, after 30 years of journey, there is a malfunction in the spaceship, and one of the passengers awakens. He is Jim Preston.

          Jim is awake too soon. Rest 4,999 passengers are still asleep. Initially, Jim tries to go back to sleep. But, it is not possible. Next, Jim tries to make the most of his situation. Nonetheless, loneliness is all he ends up with. Some people believe that endless entertainment, fun, and good food are all they need to survive. But, few realize that at the end of the day, we need people. We need someone to talk to, someone to share our thoughts with, someone to laugh with, and someone to cry with. This leads Jim to take some drastic steps that may or may not have a good consequence. Find out by watching Passengers

My View

          The actors were amazing. I loved the cast. The storyline was on point. However, something was missing. There was action, drama, and romance, yet, something felt off. In my opinion, there wasn't enough happening in the movie. I believe I feel this way because I have been watching series, movies, and reading books with multiple plot lines. There is always a lot happening simultaneously. This movie had one plot or a single conflict and its resolution was the end. In a way, this movie didn't seem fulfilling. Other than that, it was a great watch. 

You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be 
that you forget to make the most of where you are.

Rating: 4.5/5





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